How To Live A Healthier Lifestyle

An Introduction To A Healthier Lifestyle

You have probably entered this website with questions about health, looking for information about health and how one can start living a healthy life. If that is your aim you have come to the right place. If you are merely interested in the many ways of being healthy, physically as well as psychologically; stick around! is meant to become an archive of advice, news, tips and conclusions I’ve reached concerning health during the time I’ve spent on this globe of dirt.

Our Western Way of Living

I am not God nor a health guru but simply hoping to be able to help fellow western citizen to become more healthy. And God knows it is needed. Our western way of living, eating and thinking has become targeted consumer patterns and billions dollar industries.

With so much exposure to advertisement and product placements, telling us what to consume and which lifestyle to choose, it is getting harder and harder to stay healthy. Health simply doesn’t sell since the first step in becoming healthy is to consume less.

Health Don’t Sell

There are exceptions though with examples like pharmaceutical companies tricking people (prime target group: hypochondriacs) that they are suffering from something they can only cure by buying expensive medicine.

Complete Happiness

Many people directly associate eating better, exercising more often and discontinuing of bad habits. And although this is true and a big part of living a good life we also have to remember to strengthen our mental health.

You can have a banging body, which probably will make you feel better, but as long as those skeletons still are tucked away in your closet you will never feel complete happiness.

Communication is King

I will dedicate a lot of time and text focusing on the importance of communication. For the time being I will settle by simply saying that talking about yourself is a powerful tool in feeling better and not only being able to live with yourself but actually loving yourself.

More resources

If you want to learn more about the environment and sustainable products, then we recommend a visit to There you can learn more about how you and I can take care of this planet.